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I can remember eating pickles right out of a large barrel my Grandma used to keep in her kitchen. It was summertime and I was out of school. I learned how to feed many kinds of farm animals, collected chicken eggs and picked vegetables out of her garden. The cucumber plants were always huge and covered with what I used to call baby pickles.

Once I took a bite of one of these little cucumbers, but it tasted nothing like the ones I took out of the barrel. I asked Grandma why there was such a difference in taste. She explained to me about the process of changing cucumbers into pickles. This is done by adding a few ingredients to the cucumbers and some water. She grew dill weed and garlic. We bought salt and vinegar at the General Store.

Grandma said that the recipe for these pickles was brought over by her Mom from the old country (Czechoslovakia). I never did write down any direction but I have experimented for a few years with my garden cucumbers.

Here’s the recipe for Ken's Famous Pickles!

Glass gallon jar full of clean washed cucumbers (20 to 30 depending on their size)
4 tablespoons salt
1 tablespoon dill
1 teaspoon mustard seed
1 cup vinegar
4 cloves garlic
2 small peppers

The mustard seed and peppers are my own addition and are not necessary. Mix all the ingredients and add water to the jar until the pickles are covered and it is full. Cover and put the jar into a refrigerator for about 7 to 10 days.

The pickles should be cool and crisp, a perfect treat for a hot summer afternoon. I think you use more calories eating a pickle than the amount of calories a pickle may contain. The salt may be a problem for some, so you can cut back on that ingredient.

If you stop by the house someday and ask for a bite, I just might give you one. If you would like a bite of pickle, let me know.     KV

this page last updated 6/5/04
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